David Rudolph (Ph.D., Universitatea Cambridge) este Directorul Studiilor Mesianice Evreiești și Profesor de Noul Testament și Studii Evreiești din cadrul The King’s University din Southlake, Texas. El este autorul cărții A Jew to the Jews: Jewish Contours of Pauline Flexibility in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (Mohr-Siebeck; 2nd edition, Pickwick, 2016) și co-autor al cărții Introduction to Messianic Judaism: It’s Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations (Zondervan, 2013). Dr. Rudolph este momentan editorul general al seriilor New Testament after Supersessionism (NTAS) și este membru al bordului de conducere al Societății de Teologie pentru Post-Supersesionism (Society for Post-Supersessionist Theology).
David Rudolph (Ph.D., Cambridge University) is Director of Messianic Jewish Studies and Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at The King’s University in Southlake, Texas. He is the author of A Jew to the Jews: Jewish Contours of Pauline Flexibility in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (Mohr-Siebeck; 2nd edition, Pickwick, 2016) and co-editor of Introduction to Messianic Judaism: It’s Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations (Zondervan, 2013). Dr. Rudolph is currently a general editor of the New Testament after Supersessionism (NTAS) series and serves on the board of the Society for Post-Supersessionist Theology.